People saved a deer that had been wearing a 5-pound tire around its neck for two years

 People saved a deer that had been wearing a 5-pound tire around its neck for two years

In 2021, a Colorado wildlife team managed to find a deer with a tire around its neck. Here is how it happened. It took two years for rescuers to remove the tire.

Back in 2019, when national park workers were studying mountain goats, they noticed a deer with a tire around its neck. It was a mystery how that tire ended up on the deer’s neck. At that time, the park did not yet have the proper equipment to hunt the deer. For some time they could not help the deer.

They found the way. Since the animal avoided people and ran away when it saw them, experts installed cameras to follow it.

Once again, the employees succeeded in searching for the deer. After several attempts, the tranquilizer put the deer to sleep.

The leader of the expedition says that he managed to shoot the sleeping pill only in the dark. After that, the other animals ran into the bushes. When the deer was near them, they began to study its “jewel”.

The tire was actually quite heavy, so it was difficult for the deer to carry that weight. And underneath that, he had a wound that needed to be healed. So, the specialists had to remove the tire and treat the wound. Generally, the deer was in good health.

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