A Baby With a Birthmark On His Forehead In The Form Of a Heart Is Already 6: What Does He Look Like Now?

 A Baby With a Birthmark On His Forehead In The Form Of a Heart Is Already 6: What Does He Look Like Now?

We want to introduce you to a special boy with a unique and adorable birthmark.

When he was born, his dad mistook the birthmark on his forehead for dirt and tried to wipe it off.

However, the “dirt” didn’t wash away because it was actually a heart-shaped birthmark.

This boy, named Chinar, is now six years old and has become a local celebrity.

The heart-shaped birthmark on his forehead has become even more prominent, and everyone loves taking pictures with him because it’s cute and unusual.

The doctors said that the birthmark should fade away by the age of 6-8, but for now, everyone enjoys its presence.

Chinar is a real celebrity, and it’s a testament to the wonders of nature.

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