A boy with a jaw defect was given a puppy with the exact same feature

Bentley Boaz is from America. He was born with a jaw defect. He was operated on several times at the age of two. The boy’s parents turned to psychologists to support their son. This is what the psychologists suggested to them.
The boy needed a new friend. And that friend became the puppy that his parents had searched for so long that it would be suitable for their home. Bentley’s parents thought it would be interesting for the boy to grow up with that little dog.
Here are the pictures of their first meeting from social media. The child is really happy. This puppy was taken by the boy’s parents from the animal shelter. The latter, knowing about the parents’ decision and the boy, responded: “We are as happy as Bentley with this decision. They have already become friends, we hope it will last. No words needed… look at the pictures without comment.”
How little a person needs to be happy. What is the little thing that makes you happy today?