Adorable Moment Baby Sumatran Orangutan Bonds With Its Mom Moments After Birth

 Adorable Moment Baby Sumatran Orangutan Bonds With Its Mom Moments After Birth

This exciting photo series cannot leave you indifferent. The little orangutan meets its mother for the first time, climbs on her and they immediately notice. Just a wonder…

The Sumatran orangutan is an endangered species, so their birth is a special event. This baby was the first of its kind to be born at Chester Zoo in England.

The child is completely healthy, but the gender is not yet clear. The little one just doesn’t want to be separated from its mother.

The mother is Emma, 34 years old, she is experienced. They became close at once, they hugged each other tenderly from the first moment. Sumatran orangutans are considered one of the safest animals in the world.

They are on the verge of extinction. The reason was, in particular, the destruction of rain forests. Currently, the International Union for Conservation of Nature is trying to help this species, as it is extremely endangered.

Mother’s love is tender and unique even in animals․ These photos prove it!

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