Everyone walked past the old man lying on the ground. Only the dog tried his best to save his master

 Everyone walked past the old man lying on the ground. Only the dog tried his best to save his master

Unfortunately, people are judged by their appearance. If a well-dressed person needs help, people will immediately help him, but if a poor person needs help, they will not help him, but will simply ignore him.

This exciting story will make you think.

In one of the streets of the city of Guapiles, Costa Rica, a dog did not stop barking loudly and trying to attract people’s attention. He even tried to stop the cars.

After some time, a kind man stopped and wanted to find out what happened. The dog took him to the scene. Here he saw a fallen man whom no one had approached. Presumably, they thought he was drunk, but they didn’t even try to help him.

However, when the doctors arrived, it turned out that the man had a heart attack. And the dog, who actually saved the man, jumped into the ambulance to go with them.

When the man was cured, he told the whole story. He is Jorge, the dog’s name is Chiquita, they live together. On the day of the incident, they were walking when the man felt bad and suddenly fainted.

Thanks to Chiquita, the man is alive today. He managed to save Jorge. This story once again proved that the dog is a very sensitive and intelligent animal.

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