Man Builds Raft to Save Swan’s Eggs After 10 Years of Watching Her Lose Them to Mother Nature

 Man Builds Raft to Save Swan’s Eggs After 10 Years of Watching Her Lose Them to Mother Nature

For years this ruined swan’s nest had been under the eye of a man. This kind man decided to help the swan. The latter laid eggs in different places for about ten years, but they disappeared. This poor but very beautiful animal was helped by this infinitely kind man.

Rob Adamson loves nature and animals, especially swans. Having seen the “misfortune” of this swan for years, he decided to help it. He saved the swan’s nest from going under water several times.

The man said during the interview: “I could not turn a blind eye to all this, I had to help it, otherwise I would regret it.” Adamson thought of a great thing. He built a raft to make the swan’s nest safer. This attention and care was not in vain. The swan eggs hatched and after days the beautiful chicks hatched. Such a scene really satisfied and made our hero happy.

“As if my own children were being born, I was so anxious and happy at the same time…” said Adamson.

Let’s summarize the beautiful story with a beautiful video.

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