Rare Pictures Show Unlikely Friendship Between Bear and Wolf in Wild Finland

 Rare Pictures Show Unlikely Friendship Between Bear and Wolf in Wild Finland

Photographer Lassi Rautianen, who mostly takes pictures of wildlife, captured some exciting scenes in a forest in Finland. These photos prove the harmony between bear and wolf.

Lassie says: “No one can explain how these two predators became friends. In my opinion, they were both lonely and are much safer together.”

The photographer, already 56 years old, studied the wild nature of Finland in depth. With all his photos, he wants to show the beauty of wild nature, to bring people closer to nature.

Lassi would like to show the beauty of Finland’s carnivores so that people have respect for animals.

Due to his efforts, the attitude towards wildlife has changed significantly, and tourism has expanded.

Lassi said during the interview: “It was very surprising to see such closeness between these predators. And, as it turned out, I managed to capture the first case of such friendship in Europe.”

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