The girl has had two colours of hair since birth. She is both blonde and brown

 The girl has had two colours of hair since birth. She is both blonde and brown

Even the most talented hairdresser cannot determine the exact hair color of today’s heroine. Her name is Bella, she lives in Lincoln, England. Her hair has 2 colors, brown and blonde.

Here is that special girl, Bella Hill.

When the girl was just born, relatives argued over what color her hair was. This was due to a genetic anomaly. According to doctors, Bella’s skin is affected by polio. In this case, melanin (it is the substance that gives color to hair) decreases. The hair growing on the infected part becomes discolored.

They are ordinary hair, only the color is light. And Bella is very happy about this fact. It’s not a problem for girls, right?

As a child, Bella didn’t pay much attention to her hair. And now she has grown her hair and likes to style it in different ways.

Every day she decides her hair color. When wearing girly dresses, she chooses blonde hair, and with sports clothes she likes to have brown hair. The girls around her envy her because they can’t get such a “2 in 1” hair color with dyes.

The girl’s mother said something funny. “When I was pregnant with Bella, I worked as a hairdresser and bleached my clients’ hair a lot. That’s why my daughter’s hair is like this.”

Indeed, Bella has a unique appearance. There are people who have different shades in their hair, but such hair is very rare.

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